2025 All-District Band Results
Congratulations to all students who participated in the All-District Band Auditions!
The VBODA District 12 All-District Band Audition Unofficial Results are posted below showing all students who have been accepted into one of the bands and their ranking. We are including here HS Wind Ensemble, HS Symphonic Band, MS Honor Band, and alternates. Please note that it is VBODA policy that all results are deemed “unofficial” until the actual All-District Eve
In order to interpret the results, you will need to know your six-digit Opus ID number. Your Band Director has this number and should have provided it to you. If you do not know your Opus ID number, you need to contact your Band Director.
All Band Directors have been sent a more detailed copy of all results. If you did not make one of the groups listed here and are curious as to how you ranked in total, please see your Band Director for that information.
Written score/comment sheets will be distributed to the Band Directors at the All-District Band Event and will be available for all students after that.
All questions regarding the auditions, event, or results should be directed to your Band Director. Please reach out to them for all issues.
High School

Middle School