Sudler Flag of Honor
The Sudler Flag of Honor is awarded
"To identify, recognize and honor high school band programs internationally that have demonstrated particularly significant high standards of excellence in concert activities over a period of several years."
In 2000 and 2017, the McLean High School Band program received the Sudler Flag of Honor from the John Philip Sousa Foundation. When presented in May 2018, the McLean Band program was one of only seven schools in the U.S. to have ever received this award twice, received by band directors:
James Kirchenbauer (2000) and Christopher Weise (2017).
Award Criteria
The band must have achieved and maintained a high standard of excellence in the concert area over a period of several years.
The concert band will have placed itself in situations where there has been opportunity for evaluation by qualified persons or has been rated "superior" at state, regional, or national levels in concert activities.
The band program must offer its participants a complete and balanced program of musical activities including concert, solo, ensemble, and marching areas.
The band should have performed at regional, state, national, and professional meetings of significance. These can include but are not limited to state music conventions, regional or national MENC meetings, and state or national band association conventions.
The director must have been incumbent in his/her position for at least seven years, including the current year.
A number of the students in the band should have participated in district and all-state honor bands or similar all-area groups.